MEET LUIS! our 2021 Gravel Scholar

Luis Martir, our 2021 Gravel Scholar with his brand new Bearclaw Bicycle Co. Thunderhawk with Velocity USA aileron wheelset and Panaracer Gravelking SK tires in front of Grand Rapids Bicycle Co

Luis Martir, our 2021 Gravel Scholar with his brand new Bearclaw Bicycle Co. Thunderhawk with Velocity USA aileron wheelset and Panaracer Gravelking SK tires in front of Grand Rapids Bicycle Co

Since I was a kid I’ve always been drawn to bikes, its funny that I can still remember clearly my first ride which ended up with a pinched tire and a scraped knee. I remember riding around with my buddies while feeling a sense of freedom to explore and roam my hometown in Puerto Rico. Fast forward today, not much has changed, I still enjoy every minute that I can spend outdoors on two wheels, even better if I can share that experience with my family (wife and 4 year old son) or friends.

Moving to Michigan a year ago has been a great experience, even with the pandemic we have been able to enjoy the outdoors as much as possible. Shortly after settling in Greenville I joined the Flat River Cycling Team and T&A Cycles on some local rides which led me to discover the wonders of gravel riding. It opened a whole new world that led me to hours of research, this is when I came across the Michigan Gravel Race Series and the scholarship program for 2021. The concept of the scholarship quickly resonated with me and I instantly lighted up with excitement. As soon as I discussed the idea with my family, they were quickly onboard and just as excited as I was to hopefully be part of something that I have always been passionate about. After finding out I was chosen to be the 2021 scholar I jumped around the house with excitement, my wife told me she has never seen me so excited, even the local group was pumped to welcome a new Thunderhawk to the team.

Riding with the Flat River Cycling Team

Riding with the Flat River Cycling Team

Several weeks after being selected the day was finally here!!  I was going to meet my new steed and receive some awesome gear to keep me on track for this season. I had an awesome time meeting Matt and Jenny Acker who quickly dialed me into the new bike and welcomed me to the MGRS gravel family. We went over all the gear provided by the awesome sponsors and discussed a little more the details of the Scholarship Program and future races. The staff at Grand Rapids Bicycle Company were super cool, all of them were extremely supportive and excited for my journey plus hooked me up with an awesome kit. 

After several rides is safe to say that the Bearclaw Thunderhawk is a sweet machine, in combination with the Velocity wheels and Panaracer tires it is a killer combo. First thing that I noticed is how smooth everything feels even on rough gravel, the titanium frame and carbon fork do an impeccable job absorbing all the road and gravel chatter. The velocity wheels and Panaracer tire combo provide sturdiness and traction during any type of terrain, up or downhill. 

I was given the opportunity to participate in any race that was part of the MGRS, this proved to be a very hard task because I really wanted to race them all. Ultimately my other commitments only allowed for me to select 6 short course races for this season. My goal during this scholarship other than enjoying every minute of it, is to see how far I can push myself to become a better and stronger rider, ultimately tackling an ultra-endurance race in the future. My training plan is simple for now, I mainly focus on just adding more miles on every ride. On each ride I have been playing around with nutrition, trying to understand what my body needs to sustain the longer efforts, Hammer Nutrition has done a great job at keeping me nicely fueled so far. I also plan on joining the local weekly rides, they have proven to be very challenging and extremely fun!

I want to thank MGRS once again for this once in a lifetime opportunity. My first race will be Hart Hills and I really hope to see you all out there!

-Luis Martir